
Webkinz Super Secret Recipes

  1. Blueberry Parfait
  2. Blueberry Peanuts
  3. Icecream Berry
  4. Tart Blueberries Rasberries
  5. Webkinz Crackers
  6. Pierogies Eggs Cheese
  7. Baked Potato
  8. Black Forest Sandwich Cake
  9. Chocolate Bar
  10. Cherries Yogurt Twist
  11. Smoothie Banana Yogurt
  12. Kiwi Sheperd's Pie
  13. Hamburger
  14. Peas
  15. Baked Potato
  16. Fruit Berry Crepe
  17. Strawberry Yougurt
  18. Blueberries Pancakes
  19. Granola Bars Granola Almonds Honey
  20. Turquoise Sandwich
  21. Grapes
  22. Blueberries
  23. Bread
  24. Root Beer Float
  25. Root beer Ice Cream
  26. Cherries Strawberries and Kiwi Tart
  27. Strawberries Kiwi
  28. Webkinz Crackers
  29. Creme Caramel Toffee
  30. Eggs
  31. Milk
  32. Birthday Party Sandwich
  33. Hot Dog
  34. Mac'n'cheese
  35. Strawberry Jiggle Torte
  36. Strawberry Yougurt
  37. Jelly Marshmellows
  38. Peanut Butter and Banana Bread
  39. Banana Peanuts
  40. Chocolate Chip Waffles
  41. Milk Chocolate Bar
  42. Waffles
  43. Fancy Shamacncy Waffles
  44. Strawberry Icecream
  45. Trippple Hot Chocolate
  46. Hot chocolate
  47. Chocolate bar
  48. Chocolate Milk

Webkinz Pictures 5

Awesome Webkinz Pictures

Webkinz Friends

Webkinz Koala Bear

Real Koala Bear, sooo cute

Upcoming Webkinz For 2008 And 2009

Check out this new video and find out which Webkinz are coming in 2008 and 2009!

Cheeky Frog - July 2008

Cheeky Horse - July 2008

Webkinz Plush Stuffed Animal Tiger Snake

Meet this super new friend – the Tiger Snake! The Tiger Snake is quiet and intelligent and simply loves to snack on exquisite Eel Enchilada! Want to make this reptile really happy? Visit the Arcade and play a few sensational games!

Special Item: Serpentine Stream

Special Food: Eel Enchilada

New Webkinz Charm Bracelet

Introducing the new Webkinz Charm Bracelet

This charm bracelet is made of Brass/Tin Allow/Zinc. It is 6" long with a 2" extender. Collect all your charms and put them on your bracelet.

It is a great addition to your Webkinz pets.