Easy Kinzcash - Zingoz Bounce
"This one is super simple. Start up the Zingoz Bounce game. You will need to position your mouse pointer so that the pointer finger is only slightly above the red ball, and directly in the middle. Then, you need to hold your mouse very steady so that it does not move at all. Continue to click that one spot as fast as you can, over and over.
The best way to do this is with either a cordless mouse or even a laptop keyboard that does not have a rollerball. It may a few tries to find the "sweet spot," but once you do you'll know it. If the ball bounces slightly to the left, then you are too far to the right. If the ball bounces to the right, then you are too far to the left.
A word of caution - Ganz has set a maximum allowable score. If you exceed that score, you will not get any KinzCash at all. Rumor has it that max score is set to around 30,000 points.
Good luck!" - www.webkinz-cheats.com
This isn't a very exciting site because it tells us stuff we already know about webkinz.
If you do this cheat, your account will be terminated. Here is the message from Webkinz on their website:
"We at Webkinz World are fully aware that members are using tools to attempt to cheat on our site. We want to make our position on the use of these tools very, very clear.
First of all, remember that any attempt to circumvent the security of our site violates the User Agreement. Accordingly, any use of a cheating tool will lead to the immediate and permanent termination of the account on which the tool was used. Whether the account has one pet or 50, the account will be closed. All codes for pets on the closed account will remain used.
You will not receive a warning, and it will not matter whether you have used the tool (or used other means to attempt to circumvent the security of our site), once or many times.
Also note, as we have stated before, all activity that occurs on an account is the responsibility of the member who is registered on that account. If a "friend" or anyone else used your account to cheat on our site, you will still be the one who loses your account.
If you ever find a large amount of KinzCash on your account that you know you did not achieve, DO NOT USE IT. Contact us immediately and we will remove the excess KinzCash and you will not lose your account.
We have already terminated the accounts of dozens of members who have cheated on our site. It saddens us each time we have to close an account, but we must protect the security of our site and we will continue to do so.
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